Fleet Data Capture
Save Energy Add Profits
Your machine fleet in your Mines and Mineral facilities could be using 40% more energy than they should be
Today the energy cost of the machine fleets like Drilling machines, mining equipment and mineral processing unit operations could be 40% more than the benchmark numbers of machinery vendor when sold to you. Your first step to make your team and the vendor accountable starts by measuring energy consumption data including fuel usage in real time over long periods of time of operations.
More that 60% of the machinery fleet today in various mining and mineral processing plants today do not have any digital readings of the fuel usage in real time. As a result it becomes difficult to track and manage energy consumption which can sky rocket for various reasons within and out of your control.

You need to capture the energy usage data across machineries in various sites. Such sites today have low or no automation to capture real time fuel consumption data.

We bring you the first in class automated capture, transmission and logging of all historical data as well as continuous trending and analysis of current data.

You get all the data across machines so that you can analyze what problems each of them are facing without spending any time and also quickly pinpoint to the root cause and actions items required to lower energy consumption.

For a mining company owning 5 sites with 25 such machines, regular updates through UniFieD can lead to tracking and analysis of energy consumption that can lead to discussion with Vendor and benchmarking leading to eventual saving of 3-5% total energy.